Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Journey to 3 islands (Kelor, Onrust, Cipir)


Hi my friends..It's been a long time, I don't write on blog...~ ~ ~
On this good day, I want to tell you about my other journey... So, be ready OK !!!!

Several days ago I joined trip to visit 3 little pretty islands in Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. The 3 little islands are Kelor, Onrust, and Cipir. On this vacation, my trip is about "travel history". Why "travel history"? Because,  despite of travelling, we will get more information about location that we've visited. Yeepp..all past story why these things are here..!!!

My Route
Go to Jakarta Kota station - - - Use public transportation --- for public transport you can order GO-Jek or Grab motor, for more saving just use mobile transport, the red one car with destination to Muara Kamal Port. From Muara Kamal port, you can cross the island using traditional boat.

Kelor Island
The weather was so great, the sun shone brightly. Firstly arrived at this small island, I can see the white sand and blue clear water around the island.

The thing that attracted my attention was the old castle on the end of the island. The castle was so beautiful. I've watched this castle on TV and celebrity couple ever used this place for wedding ceremony...*what a romantic place!

The castle is named "Martello". Martello castle was built by VOC (Netherlands) long time ago. As we known, Indonesian has strong bound with the dutch. When colonialism, Netherlands built the fortress to face the Portuguese attack. Now, the fortress become a castle in my fairyland...*lol

See you on the next trip Kelor island (^0^)

Onrust Island
Not far from Kelor island, you can visit Onrust. Onrust island is bigger than Kelor. This island also has local people who live there. Onrsut is the center of history between Kelor and Cipir island, because long time ago, on this land many incidents happened.

Onsrust itself was named by Dutch which means "un rest". Why? because the island was very busy. In 1615 the VOC built a shipyard and a small storage house on the island.

In 1911-1933, Onrust island became a quarantine station for pilgrims returning from the Hajj. A barrack was built in 1911 that contained 35 units for about 100 pilgrims.
From 1933 until 1940, the Dutch used Onrust to hold the mutineers involved in the Incident of the Seven Ships (Zeven Provincien).
After the Japanese invaded Indonesia in 1942, the role of Onrust island declined again and it became a prison for serious criminals.
In 1972 Ali Sadikin, then governor of Jakarta, declared Onrust Island a protected historical site. In 2002 the administration made Onrust and its three neighbors - the islands of Cipir, Kelor and Bidadari - an archaeological park to protect the artifacts and ruins on the islands that date back to the time of the Dutch East India Company.

Cipir Island
When you arrived in Cipir island , you will see old buildings like this. These old building seems to be the hospital long time ago, the place lil bit spooky. Cipir island was area for hospital that took care and quarantine of infectious diseases for pilgrims in 1911-1933.

Other advantages from travelling is you can meet new friends. New friends means new family for me. Meet new people, can make your mind open and stay positive, because you never judge people at first time you met is bad, isn't it?

Quote : Get out from your comfort zone, the nature out there is waiting for you  !!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pahawang Si Miniature Raja Ampat


Ada yang tau Pahawang???
Nikmat Tuhan mu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan ?
(Fabiayyi ‘ala irobbikuma tukadziban...)

Pahawang itu dimana ya??
Pahawang :  pulau yang terletak di Kecamatan Punduh Padada, Kabupaten Pasawaran, Lampung Selatan. Pulau ini terbagi menjadi dua yakni Pulau Pahawang Besar dan Pulau Pahawang Kecil. Kalau dilihat dari google map lokasi pulau ini terletak di Teluk Lampung. Selain pulau pahawang kita masih bisa mengunjungi pulau - pulau lain disekitarnya. Menurut saya pulau ini seperti miniatur Raja Ampat, Papua (walau belum pernah ke Raja Ampat langsung sih..hihiii :p)...karena bentuk pulau - pulau nya seperti jamur mirip di Raja Ampat.

Keberangkatan : karena perjalanan ini hanya dilakukan di akhir pekan, jadi kami memutuskan untuk berangkat hari Jum'at malam, setelah pulang kerja..(maklum nyari segenggam berlian buat backpacker-an...hahaha..).

Malam itu, kami berkumpul di Kampung Rambutan, kami naik bis jurusan Pelabuhan Merak. kemudian dilanjutkan dengan naik Fery yang berangkat dini hari.

On the Way : Perjalanan menuju Pulau Pahawang cukup panjang, kami naik Ferry untuk menyeberangi Selat Sunda (Pelabuhan Merak ---> Bakauheni), Dari Pelabuhan Bakauheni, kami menyewa angkutan umum (angkot) setempat menuju Pelabuhan Ketapang di Teluk Lampung. Ini pertama kalinya saya menginjakan kaki di tanah Sumatera, saya kira dari Pelabuhan Bakauheni ke Bandar Lampung dekat, ternyata jaauh sekali..dibutuhkan kurang lebih 3 jam perjalanan untuk sampai di Pelabuhan Ketapang (Ps: tanpa macet lho...)...fiiiuh lelaah Hayati bang..bang..mana supir angkot nya udah kayak pembalap...kadang lawan arah..ngerem mendadak...belum nyemplung ke laut badan udah pegel-pegel..hahaha

Pelabuhan Ketapang : Finally, we arrived at Ketapang. Pelabuhan Ketapang ini bisa dibilang masih bagus dan airnya jernih, beruntung sekali cuaca pagi itu cukup cerah..hhmm...jadi terbayar rasa lelah. Kami bergegas menyiapakan alat-alat untuk snorkeling dan sudah tidak sabar untuk menuju spot - spot terumbu karang yang katanya masih alami... So excited !!
Kami naik perahu motor milik nelayan setempat menuju Pulau Pahawang dan pulau-pulau disekitarnya. Kebetulan rombongan trip saat itu banyak..jadi ada sekitar 6 perahu yang akan berangkat dan diisi sekitar 10 orang per perahu..hhmm..agak gimana gitu yaa..kalau snorkeling ber-rame-rame gitu..udah kayak kolam renang..haahaha..Well..just enjoy it :D

Snorkeling : Attenttion !!!! Please for everyone who snorkeling or swimming near corals, keep your fins away from the coral, don't break any corals, because it need very long time to grow in every inch. Also don't throw your trash to the sea. Be a nice and a wise traveler , OK !!!

Welcome to the islands....
Air lautnya masih sangat jernih... (^0^)

Pulau Pahawang Kecil : banyak spot menarik di pulau pahawang kecil ini, masih ada sedikit ekositem mangrove, sedikit lamun (seagrass), pasir putih, dan pemandangna pegunungan yang indah menjadi background yang tepat untuk mengabadikan momen disana. Selain itu,  ada resort dengan dermaga kecil (Ps: sayang sudah tidak diizinkan untuk masuk ke daerah resort, padahal ada kubangan seperti kolam di bawah dermaganya).
Gaya andalan dimana pun....haha

Pulau Pahawang Besar

Pulau Pasir Timbul : dinamakan pasir timbul karena, gundukan pasir berwarna putih halus akan muncul saat air surut dan saat pasang mulai datang, pulau kecil ini akan terendam air laut lagi. air di kepulauan Pahawang ini masih sangat jernih, di pasir timbul, perahu akan berhenti di dermaga kecil dengan resto makan terapung yang ditengahnya terdapat kolam. Kolam ini berisi ikan hiu kecil dan beberapa ikan karang, tapi sayangnya pengunjung yang tidak bertanggung jawab kurang menjaga kebersihan tempat ini, karena banyak sampah plastik yang dibuang ke kolam..kasihan ikannya :'( .

Hayoo cantik mana? cewek-ceweknya atau laut nya?
(secara mukanya gak pada keliatan...hahahaha)

I can do this all day long..haahaha