Tuesday, February 27, 2018

DIY : Rustic Flower Crown by Jihan


Flower crown is a naturally beautiful headpiece that every woman can wear. But, to get the real fresh flower sometimes is expensive and not easy to find. Fresh flower is always the best choice to make a flower crown, but who know that artificial flower is way cheaper and long lasting, so you can wear it longer than the real flower. I made flower crown from artificial flower for my wedding rustic theme. The things below are what you need to make a beautiful flower crown by yourself #diyflowercrown

What do you need ?
1. Artificial / fake flowers

2. Fake leaves

3. Leaf tape

4. Wire

5. Wire Shears

6. Glue Gun

What to do ?
  • Measure your head diameter
  • Cut the wire as long as your head diameter
  • Cut the flower and leaves as you need
  • Combine the flower as you want and bind it using wire or leaf tape
  • Glue or tie each bundle of flower to the wire
  • Make sure the wire is fully covered by the flowers
Taadaaaa.....your flower crown is done and ready to wear! 
So easy, isn't it!
Good Luck


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